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Cub Scout Leader Injured on Walk

Teesdale & Weardale Search & Rescue Team were called out at lunch time today (Sunday 19th March) to assist the ambulance and fire service in the recovery of a injured walker from a difficult location in upper Weardale.

A Cub Scout leader from Castleside in County Durham had been leading a group of Cub Scouts on a walk near Westgate in Weardale. Whilst making their way through a steep section of Slit Wood just North of Westgate the middle aged lady slipped and fractured her lower leg.

Another party leader went for assistance but when the ambulance from St Johns Chapel arrived it became apparent that assistance would be required to carry the lady to safety. Both the Rescue Team and fire fighters from Stanhope fire station assisted the paramedics in carrying the lady out of the wood to open ground where the North East Air Ambulance was able to land and take her to hospital.

Steve Owers, Team spokesman said, "When we arrived the Cub Scouts were all being well looked after by other members of the party, at one stage they were singing songs to take their minds off what had happened to their leader. They were all able to walk out of the wood back to Westgate with one of our team members"

Steve Owers
Press Officer

Teesdale & Weardale Search & Rescue Team

19/03/06 1900hrs

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